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INEE Visiting Programme


Spanish version

The National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE) invites researchers, policy makers, professors and teachers to organize stays in its venue for information exchanges on educational evaluation and assessment.


Fostering cooperation between scholars interested in research studies and reports about the evaluation of education systems and the INEE.Salto de línea Creating collaborative links and strengthening national and international cooperation with prestigious research units and institutions throughout the education world.

Visitors’ profile

Visits will be limited to one or two persons at a time.Salto de línea Visits are addressed to everyone interested in educational evaluation who is supported by a renowned prestige institution. Or those who individually show a CV that endorses a professional or academic career related to educational evaluation.


  • Visits will last one or two weeks.
  • Visit dates will be assigned according to room availability, scheduled visits and visitors’ preferences if possible.
  • The INEE will provide adequate room and resources (computer and internet access).
  • The INEE staff members will share the information needed and will cooperate to achieve the aims of the visiting programme.
  • Visiting scholars will have the opportunity to make presentations and show the INEE staff members their research studies both completed or in progress carried out in their own institutions.
  • Visiting scholars will receive no kind of grant or fellowship and all costs (lodging, travel expenses) will be covered by themselves.
  • The INEE will keep a visitors’ register and, at the end of the stay, will issue a certifícate acknowledging the visit.

Application Forms

  • Interested scholars should apply for a visit by filling-in the contact form and INEE will inform about the procedure.
  • Dead line is open throughout the year. Applications will be reviewed after the assessment of candidates’ CVs.
  • Application form submission is no warrant for visit acceptance.