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Visiting Teachers in Australia 2023

  • Call Nueva ventanaNueva ventana
  • Application period finalized.
  • Requirements:
    • Be a Spanish citizen.

    • Does not suffer from diseases that represents an impediment to the exercise of teaching.
    • Holds a degree that allows the teaching of Kindergarten, Primary, STEM, humanities or linguistic subjects.

    • Holds a master's degree that enables the exercise of the teaching role in Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO for its acronym in Spanish), Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, with the Certificate of Professional Competence (CAP for its acronym in Spanish), or equivalent.

    • Have at least 2 years of full time teaching experience in formal non-university education of the Spanish education system, or equivalent teaching in other education systems, in the education level of Kindergarten, Primary, Compulsory Secondary, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, or in education with special regulations (Official School in Languages and Art Studies), and Adult Education.

    • Certified in C1 level in English by presenting a certificate from one of the following exams:

      • IELTS (Academic) with a minimum of 7 in Reading and Writing, and an 8 in Listening and Speaking, within the period of validity of 2 years.

      • The International Second Language Proficiency Ratings (ISLRP), with a minimum score of 4 in each macroskill, within the period of validity of 2 years.

Applicants who completed their studies in Australia, Canada, United States, New Zealand, United Kingdom or United Ireland are exempted from the English language requirement.

  • School year: From the end of January to mid-December of 2023.

New South Wales

  • Hiring: Waiting to close the details with the rest of the states, at this moment the teachers will be hired by the NSW Department of Education and treated as locals with the same benefits and duties.
  • Locations:
    • Albury
    • Bathurst
    • Broken Hill
    • Chifley
    • Dubbo
    • Karabar
    • Liverpool
    • Mount Druitt
    • Mudgee
    • Narrabri
    • Penrith
    • Queanbeyan
    • Windsor
  • Incentives:

The New South Wales Department of Education will reimburse up to AUD 10,000 as support for travel expenses incurred, as well as up to AUD 4,500 as support for the visa acquisition and for the passed English language certificate.

They also offer other salary and accommodation rental incentives based on the location of the educational center and permanence in the program.

  • More information:


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