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Teaching centers

Spanish Language and Culture Program (ALCE) in Australia

The Ministry of Education, through the Spanish Language and Culture Program (ALCE) , provides, free of charge, complementary language and culture classes to the children of Spanish citizens residing abroad who are studying primary or secondary education in Australian institutions.

Program ISA

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What is the ISA program model?

The International Spanish Academies (ISA) are schools of recognized educational quality in Australia that teach a bilingual education curriculum in English and Spanish (in any of its varieties of dual education), with the support, advice, and recognition of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports from Spain. They offer education programs from Kindergarten to grade 12 ( equivalent to Early Childhood Education and 2nd Baccalaureate in Spain) in which the Spanish language and the culture and history of Spain and Spanish-speaking countries are present through an integrated curriculum of language and content in different subjects.

Why become an ISA school?

Through the recognition of the Spanish Ministry of Education, belonging to the ISA network grants a quality mark to the bilingual program in Spanish of the schools that comprise it. The Ministry, through the Education Office of Spain in Australia, provides educational resources, training activities, sister school partnerships with Spanish schools, and collaboration initiatives with other centers in the network.

Spanish institutional recognition also provides an international dimension thanks to the interaction with other programs that the Spanish Ministry of Education has in other countries.

Example of ISA in Australia

Indooroopilly State High School Nueva ventana

Do you want to know more about the ISA Program?

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