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  3. Online Scholarships

Professional Development

Previous Scholarships:

The Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports through the Spanish Education Office and in collaboration with the National Distance Education University (UNED) offers training scholarships for Spanish teachers from Australia, India, the Philippines, New Zealand, Thailand, and Singapore.

Live plenary sessions will take place on Fridays or Saturdays and will take place in small groups to ensure maximum interaction.

Asynchronous content will include carrying out different types of activities, participating in forums, viewing videos, and reviewing and consulting materials.

  • Participation requirements:
    • Be a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language in regulated non-university education in foreign educational systems.
    • Be a teacher of non-linguistic subjects taught totally or partially in Spanish in non-university-regulated education of foreign educational systems.
    • Be a teacher of Spanish in university teachings of foreign educational systems.
    • Be a graduate or student of Hispanic Philology, or equivalent, who is going to dedicate himself to teaching Spanish as a foreign language.
  • The following may not be beneficiaries of these scholarships:
    • Not have received this scholarship in 2022.
    • Active teaching staff appointed, hired, or selected in a public call by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, or by any other Spanish institution or body.
  • Deadline for submitting applications: Until August 7, 2023.
  • To participate in this call, candidates must:
    • Register in the PROFEX application and fill in your curriculum in the application. Those candidates who have participated in previous editions and who are already registered in the application will only have to update their curriculum.
    • Register your requests in the application, choosing the courses that interest you in order of priority.
  • Instructions for registering with Profex, completing the CV, and requesting courses PDF
  • More information Nueva ventana

The Education Office, in collaboration with the University of Salamanca, offers 5 online scholarships for Spanish teachers in Australia, Philippines, and New Zealand.

  • Scholarship for the course "The Interaction in Action"
    • Date: From 31 May to 6 June, 2021
    • Description: This course is directed towards Spanish teachers interested in thinking over a number of didactic keys which will serve them the integration of interaction in classrooms with Spanish as a Second Language (ELE for its acronym in Spanish) learners. Strategies, resources and activities will be applied for the boosting of motivation in classroom and groups dynamics through the development of defferent language skills aimed to facilitate real communication in the classroom.
    • Number of scholarships: 5
    • Recipients: ELE teachers of Australia, Philippine, and New Zealand.
    • Information about the course PDF
    • Participation Requirements:
      • Be an ELE teacher
    • Conditions: Any resignation on the scholarship must be raised at least 4 days prior to the start of the course. The absence that is not properly informed to the Office will lead to the exclusion of the candidate from future calls.
    • Application period ended.
  • Scholarship for the course "Music in the ELE classsroom"
    • ​​Date: From February 8 to 14, 2021.
    • Description: This course is aimed at those teachers who teach ELE who want to incorporate resources and activities of all kinds related to songs into their classes. Topics such as the justification for the use of these materials, the planning of activities, the preparation and creation of tasks and a wide repertoire of strategies and resources that will allow us to work on linguistic, functional and sociocultural contents in the Spanish class.
    • Number of scholarships: 5
    • Recipients: ELE teachers from Australia, The Philippines and New Zealand.
    • Course Information PDF
    • Participation requirements:
      • Be an ELE teacher.
      • Fill in the application form
    • Conditions: Any resignation on the scholarship must be raised at least 4 days prior to the start of the course. The absence that is not properly informed to the Office will lead to the exclusion of the candidate from future calls.
    • Application period ended.

The Education Office, in collaboration with Tía Tula Spanish School, offers 34 online scholarships for Spanish teachers in Australasia.

  • Scholarship for the course of ELE Teachers Training
    • Date: From 12 October to 15 November 2020
    • Description: In order for teachers to provide Spanish classes in A1, A2, and B1 levels with assurance and security, essential notions and tools will be administered in this course.
    • Number of scholarships: 10
    • Recipients: ELE teachers with little teaching experience in the Australiasian region.
    • Number of sessions: 10 (6 in the general course, and 4 in grammar course).
    • Information about the course PDF
    • Participation Requirements:
      • Be an ELE teacher in Australasia
      • Complete the application form
    • Application period ended
  • Scholarship for the course "Correcting errors in the ELE classroom"
    • Date: From October 12, 2020
    • Description: In this course/workshop we will work on theoretical concepts about the errors and the types, different available correction methods and their practical implementation in a Spanish as Second Language classroom.
    • Number of scholarships: 8
    • Recipients: ELE teachers with teaching experience in the Australasian region.
    • Number of sessions: 3
    • Participation requirements:
      • Be an ELE teacher in Australasia
      • Complete the application form
    • Application period ended
  • ​Scholarship for the course "Literature in ELE classroom"
    • Date: From 12 October (specific dates to be confirmed)
    • Description: In this practice-based workshop, it is intended to provide ideas to active teachers on how to include Hispanic literature content in the ELE classroom. Different types of activity examples that bring students closer to the literature in Spanish will be provided.
    • Number of scholarships: 8
    • Recipients: ELE teachers of the Australasia region with teaching experience.
    • Number of sessions: 2
    • Participation Requirements:
      • Be an ELE teacher in Australasia
      • Complete the application form
    • Application period ended
  • Scholarship for the course "Gamification in the ELE classroom"
    • Date: From 12 October, 2020
    • Description: In an ELE class, games can be a great ally to work on grammar and vocabularies in a more dynamic way. In this workshop, game examples for the practice all the skills will be provided, and at the same time, seeking to foster teachers' creativity in designing their own games in the future.
    • Number of scholarships: 8
    • Recipients: ELE teachers of the Australasia region with teaching experience.
    • Number of sessions: 3
    • Participation Requirements:
      • Be an ELE teacher in Australasia
      • Complete the application form
    • Application period ended

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