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  1. Spanish Education Office for the Nordic countries
  2. Publications / Resources


Publications / Resources

Publications from the Education Office

Acceso a la guía "Auxiliares de conversación en Noruega 24-25"

An informative guide providing basic information and necessary advice for language assistants joining educational institutions in Norway. The different sections address fundamental aspects of daily life and the development of teaching work at the educational institution.

Link to ‘Spanish language and culture assistants in Norway. Guide 2024-2025"PDF

Desplegable en inglés para difundir los programas y servicios de la Asesoría de Educación en Dinamarca, Finlandia, Islandia, Noruega y Suecia.

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The world studies Spanish in Denmark 2022

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The world studies Spanish in Finland 2022

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The world studies Spanish in Norway 2022

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The world studies Spanish in Sweden 2022

The world studies Spanish in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden (2022)

Brief summaries from the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, through the Education Office in the Nordic Countries, regarding the status of Spanish in the general school systems of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. These highlight the particularities of Spanish as a subject within their respective educational systems and underline some lines of action in recent years.
