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Promotion of Spanish

The main objective of the Education Office is to support and promote the Spanish language and culture within the Swedish educational system.

The Education Office at the Embassy of Spain in Stockholm organizes various activities, including training workshops, contests for Spanish language students, presentations, and visits to educational institutions. It also supports Spanish language teachers by providing grants and scholarships for training courses, as well as offering teaching resources and materials for Spanish as a foreign language.

Foreign Conversation Assistants in Spain

This program allows Swedish university students and graduates to participate. Their role is to assist in English language classes at Spanish educational institutions to improve the oral English proficiency of Spanish students. This contributes to enhancing the quality of foreign language teaching in Spain and fosters interaction between the cultures of both countries.

Continuous Professional Development for Teachers

These training activities aim to support the linguistic, didactic, and cultural development of Spanish language teachers. They include courses, seminars, workshops, conferences, and other formats, typically organized in collaboration with other institutions and associations representing Spanish language teachers

Courses and Scholarships for Swedish Teachers of Spanish Nueva ventana

The External Educational Action Office of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports organizes annual summer courses in Spain and online courses, each lasting 30 hours, for foreign Spanish language teachers.

  • Summer courses in Spain: Selected teachers receive a scholarship that covers tuition, accommodation, and meals.
    • Registration Period: April-May / Course Period: July
  • Online courses: Selected teachers receive a scholarship that covers tuition fees.
    • Registration Period: June-July /Course Period: October-November.

Information about Sweden

Studying in Sweden and recognition of qualifications
The education system
Study Spanish in Sweden
Enlaces de interés
  • APEOS Nueva ventana Association of Spanish Teachers in Western Sweden.
  • SPLF Nueva ventanaStockholm Spanish Teachers' Association.