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The educational reform of Marcelino Domingo. Implementation of the New School’s ideas in Republican SpainNueva ventana

Influence of group dynamics on blended higher-education training Nueva ventana

Impact of an intervention based on dialogical gatherings and interactive groups for the development of prosocial behavior in a learning communityNueva ventana

Authentic learning in service-learning: Theoretical learning and identity changeNueva ventana

  • David García Romero, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; Beatriz Macías Gómez Esten, Universidad Pablo de Olavide; Virginia Martínez Lozano, Universidad Pablo de Olavide; José Luis Lalueza Sazatornil, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Leisure in the playground of a school in the Community of Madrid: analysis of teachers and students of an intervention with a gender perspectiveNueva ventana

Bibliometric study on Quality EducationNueva ventana

Are students evaluations of university teaching biased? Nueva ventana

Specific indicators for detection of dyslexia simulationNueva ventana

Specific socio-educational dimensions of university students with administrative protection measureNueva ventana

Salto de línea Same performance but different paths.Social status, school performance and educational choices after compulsory educationNueva ventana


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