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Submission (Authors and Reviewers)

Information for authors and reviewers

  • In order to register as author or reviewer, it is necessary to previously register in the Repositorio Español de Ciencia y Tecnología(RECYT):http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/index/user/registerNueva ventana
  • Select Revista de Educación among the journals listed at RECYT website.
  • If you are already registered in our journal with any role, you will only need to ask us to register you with the role you are interested in by writing us to editor.recyt@educacion.gob.ese-mail
  • After this step, fill in the form with your personal data and click ‘Register’
  • If you are already registered in any other journal at RECYT, do not fill in the form. You can follow the link in the first paragraph stating ‘Click here if already registered’ and use your username and password to access.
  • In order to fulfil the registration process, send an email to editor.recyt@educacion.gob.ese-mail asking to be registered as author or reviewer in Revista de Educación. The journal will confirm your registration by email and you will be able to send manuscripts or reviews.
  • If you wish to use the publishing tool, use your username and password at: http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/Redu/loginNueva ventana

Publicación de vídeo-abstract

Actualmente, la Revista de Educación, acepta para su publicación en web vídeos en los que los autores de investigaciones publicadas en la revista puedan ofrecer un resumen de sus investigaciones. Las especificaciones y proceso de envío pueden encontrarse en el siguiente enlace: InstruccionesPDF


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