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Publication guidelines

Important notice

Revista de Educación does never request potential authors for the submission of manuscripts. Revista de Educación does not apply charges to authors. If you receive a request in that regard, it is a fraud, and avoid contact with that source.

General Information

As a general rule, and but for cases whose exceptionality the editorial board will consider, Revista de Educación will not publish:

  • Summaries of literature on a given topic
  • Summaries of academic papers
  • Instrument validation studies
  • Evaluations of particular intervention programs
  • Opinion or attitude survey results
  • Reports on didactic innovations at the local level
  • Scientific divulgation works
  • Opinion articles
  • Studies in which the sample was used and its selection method, the instruments, or their technical characteristics are not specified.
  • Works based on small or incidental samples, such as groups of students from a single school or University, with little possibility of generalization

Experience, Coverage, and Content

Revista de Educación is an arbitrated scientific journal published by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport, whose papers, both received and commissioned, are all subject to external assessment. Revista de Educación was published every four months in 1940 with the title Revista Nacional de Educación, and it has borne its current moniker since 1952. It publishes primarily original basic and applied research, essays, and reviews of recent publications of educational interest. Its objective is to disseminate specialized knowledge to improve education management, practice, and research. Its target audience is the scientific community specializing in education, administrators, and teachers. The journal has three sections: a) Research Projects and Studies; b) Essays; c) Reviews; and it could have a Monographic section in one of the issues that are annually published. Original papers in Spanish and English are accepted.

General Rules for the Submission of Original Manuscripts

As with other periodicals, given the importance of the English language as a scientific communication vehicle and, in this case, the international significance of the Spanish language, this usually means an increase in the possible dissemination of its contents. As is the norm with most bilingual journals, once the peer review process has finished and the article has been accepted for publication, authors must provide a professional translation within one month after the article’s acceptance notice has been issued.

The final publication of the article is subject to the quality of the translation, which will be sent within one month so a translation reviewer can assess it. The author will have 20 days to submit a second professional translation if the first review is unfavorable.

I. Submission Channel

Articles, accompanied by an introductory letter and transfer of intellectual property rights, must be submitted only over the Science and Technology Foundation’s RECYT Journal Management Platform: (

There is a tutorial for new users (authors and reviewers) on the Revista de Educación web page, which will help users register with the platform correctly. All articles must be sent in Microsoft Word format for PC. Authors may send their introductory letter and transfer of intellectual property rights in PDF format.

II. Presentation

To enable our editors to manage articles more efficiently, authors are to observe the following rules on original manuscript data, content, structure, and style:

A. Letter of authorship, Introduction, Declaration of Conflicts of Interest and Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights

The author or authors must send this letter in a file named ‘cesion_submitter’s first surname_submitter’s second surname.’ (Example: cesion_ortega_jimenez). The letter form is provided in Appendix I. Appendix I should be submitted through the OJS management system of the journal in step 2 of the submission process ‘2. Upload submission’ (after uploading the article text, on step 3, ‘Confirm’ click ‘Add Another File’ and choose from the drop-down list ‘Article Component’ the option ‘Other,’ leaving the option ‘If you are uploading a revision of an existing file, please indicate which file’ unchanged)

B. Article

Authors must adhere to the style guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Nueva ventana), 7th ed. (Appendix II).

1. File Name for Use with the Platform. Articles are to be uploaded to the platform in a file named ‘articulo_submitter’s first surname_submitter’s second surname’ (Example: articulo_ortega_jimenez). Make sure this article version does not contain the author's name or authors or any references to their credentials.

2. Format. The article must follow the format rules given in Appendix III.

3. Title. The title should be as illustrative and concise as possible (8-10 words), written first in Spanish and then in English.

4. Abstract (2). An abstract will be provided in Spanish (300 words), followed by an English translation. The abstract is to be structured according to the IMRYD format: Introduction, stating the research’s objective or purpose; Methodology, outlining the basic procedures used (design, sample or case selection, methods and techniques of experimentation/observation, and analysis); Results, reporting the main findings (give specific data and their statistical significance when appropriate); and Discussion or Conclusions.

5. Key Words. After the abstract, include five to ten keywords or descriptors in Spanish and English. Use keywords or terms internationally accepted in education to express concepts and contents. As far as possible, we recommend using words from the Eric Thesaurus.

6. Length. The number of words in the Spanish version will be taken into account. In no case should this number be less than 5000 or more than 8000? The lengths stipulated here include the title, keywords, abstract (Spanish and English), the body of the article, notes, bibliographic references, and illustrations.

7. Structure. For papers reporting research projects, it is recommended to include at least the following points: description of the problem or subject matter at issue, prior work and theoretical foundations, design, and methodology, results, discussion of results, conclusions, limitations of the study, and any further developments.

8. Names, Symbols, and Nomenclature. Authors must use each discipline’s common names, symbols, and vocabulary.

9. Diagrams, Sketches, Charts, Tables, Equations, Etc. Figures are to be numbered consecutively by type (table 1, table 2; chart 1, chart 2) and inserted in the appropriate place within the body of the article’s text. Do not insert charts, diagrams, and tables in image format; instead, use a form that will facilitate any changes needed during the layout process. Graphs must be submitted in the most straightforward format, which allows the correct interpretation of the underlying data, avoiding as far as possible the use of three-dimensional graphs, highlights, and other elements that do not provide a specific value to the interpretation of graphs. Moreover, graphs must be provided in grayscale. In addition, authors are asked to please attach these items using editable formats (Excel, etc.) to facilitate the final layout of articles.

10. Footnotes. Footnotes are to be numbered consecutively and placed at the foot of the page. They are to be restricted to the necessary minimum. Bibliographic references will not be accepted as footnotes.

11. Bibliographic References. A list entitled ‘Bibliographic References’ is to be included at the end of the paper. The author or authors of the article will be responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic citations. References must be listed alphabetically and follow APA criteria (Appendix II). All bibliographic citations in the article’s text must refer to works in the bibliographic references.

III. Editorial Process

1. Reception of Papers. All submissions are subjected to editorial review to ensure that articles meet the topicality guidelines, are of interest according to the journal’s editorial criteria, and meet the formal presentation requirements set in the publication rules. Reception does not imply acceptance of an article.

2. Peer Review System. Two or more external experts will be assigned in a double-blind arrangement to review the article confidentially and anonymously. The reviewers will use the assessment protocol included with these rules (Appendix IV). For a manuscript to be accepted definitively, the authors must include any changes and suggestions the reviewers propose and return the new version within 30 days. Authors can check the assessment reports summary via the journal platform.

3. Reviewer Selection Criteria. Reviewers are selected by the journal’s editors, who take account of candidates’ academic and scientific merits and professional experience. Members of the Domestic and International Advisory Board may occasionally act as reviewers.

4. Editorial Decision. The criteria used to accept or reject papers are a) presentation: composition,Salto de línea organization (logical train of thought and presentation on the page); b) originality; c) relevance for solving specific problems; d) relevance to current events and new developments; e) significance: for progress in scientific knowledge; f) soundness and scientific validity: tested methodological quality. When the assessment process has ended, the primary author will be notified if the paper is accepted or rejected. If the author of an accepted article would like to review the initial printed drafts, they will have to do it within the timeline agreed with the journal. The article will not be published until the English version of the original manuscript has been positively assessed. The English translation should be submitted one month after the Spanish version has been accepted for publication. The translation must be done by a professional translator, preferably specialized in the subject area of the accepted article.

5. Review of the translated version: Upon receipt of the translated version, the manuscript will be submitted to the translation reviewer, who will issue a value judgment (favorable or unfavorable) on the version sent to the journal.

5.1. If the assessment of the translation reviewer is favorable, the article will be published along with the original version in Spanish in the related issue of the journal Revista de Educación.

5.2. If the rating of the translation reviewer is unfavorable, the article will be sent to its primary author, who will have to provide a new translated version of the manuscript within 20 calendar days after receiving the report of the translator reviewer on behalf of the Revista de Educación.

IV. Copyright

1. By signing the letter in Appendix I, the authors acknowledge that the publication of this work implies the transfer of copyright to the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, which reserves the right to distribute the published version on the Internet under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Spain license Spain (CC BY-NC 3.0 ES). Making the article available in this format implies its author's compliance with the provisions of the Spanish Law 14/2011, of June the 1st, on Science, Technology, and Innovation, in its article 37.3, about the Obligation to provide open access research results funded by Public Research Bodies as it is an open access journal which licenses explicitly authorizes the deposit of published versions (post-prints) in open access repositories, without embargo from the date of publication.

2. By signing the letter in Appendix I, the authors authorize the use of their works as material for the provision of Printing On Demand services through the electronic headquarters of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Training (

3. References to Papers Published in Revista de Educación. The following information will always be included: Revista de Educación, issue number, page numbers, and year of publication.

V. Ethical Responsibilities

1. Revista de Educación is obligated to detect and report the following types of scientific fraud: a) data fabrication, data forgery, data omission, and plagiarism; b)duplicated publication; c) false authorship and conflicts of interest.

2. Revista de Educación does not accept material that has already been published. Any article is considered ’published’ when it is publicly accessed through the Internet, except for labels such as “do not quote,” “in the review process,” etc.

3. The authors are responsible for securing permission to reproduce portions of material (text, tables, or figures) from other publications and correctly crediting their source. Permission is needed from both the author of the reproduced material and the original publisher.

4. The list of the paper’s authors must include only those who made an intellectual contribution to the work.

5. Revista de Educación expects authors to declare any commercial associations that might suppose a conflict of interests in connection with a submitted article.

6. In the section on methods, authors must state that informed consent was secured before the procedures used in sampling and controls were implemented.

Appendix I. Letter of authorship, introduction, declaration of conflicts of interest, and transfer of intellectual property rightsPDF

Appendix II. Short example of APA rules (7th edition) PDF

Appendix III. Article FormatPDF

Appendix IV. Assessment protocol for reviewers' usePDF

Just to let you know, compliance with these rules is mandatory.

Tutorial to register with the RECYT journal management platformPDFSalto de línea ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1). Important notice for authors: To ensure that your article will be indexed correctly in international databases, we recommend you take a pen name. If you have uncommon surnames, use your name and first surname; if youSalto de línea have common names, use your name and both surnames joint together by a hyphen (e.g. María Pérez-Acosta).(2). An appropriate title and a well-written abstract are important, because potential readers base their decision to read the entire paper largely on what they find in the title and abstract (especially in web searches).

Información General

Formato del Artículo

Información Proceso Editorial

Ejemplo Artículo



Carta de Autoría (obligatoria)

Protocolo Revisores
