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Publication guidelines

General Guidelines

Guidelines for the Submission of Reviews

Salto de línea 1. Required features of the work reviewed:

  • Preferably scientific publications or current innovations in the field of education.
  • Importance of the subject concerned.
  • Specialization and prestige of the author or authors and publisher.
  • Current relevance (year of publication).
  • Because Revista de Educación is a scientific publication, it does not include reviews of books intended for the general public, textbooks, or materials designed exclusively for teachers. Work defending or advocating principles contrary to democratic values is ineligible for consideration also.

2. Required features of the review:

  • Reviews should be sent in Spanish and English.
  • The reviewer must exhibit good writing quality and specialized knowledge of the subject.
  • The reviewer must use Times New Roman 12 pt. font.
  • The review must be at most 700 words in length.
  • The review is to be headed by the particulars of the reviewed work as follows:

Surnames, A. (year). Title. City: Publisher. xx pp. ISBN: xxxxxxxx.

  • The name of the author of the review must be written at the end of the text. Institutional affiliation must not be included.
  • english-review-guidelinesPDF

3. Deadlines

  • The deadline for reviews is 30 calendar days. Upload your review to the publishing system: https://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/index/loginPDF
  • When completing the information fields, please, write ¨review¨ before the actual name of the book. Example: Review+name of the book reviewed.
  • Authors also need to submit to the platform the Letter of Authorship letter-of-authorshipPDF

If Revista de Educación provided the work for you to review, please return the work to the following address, as it belongs to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport's library:

Revista de EducaciónSalto de línea Instituto Nacional de Evaluación EducativaSalto de línea Paseo del Prado, 28, 4ª plantaSalto de línea 28014, Madrid Salto de línea Salto de línea Salto de línea


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