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Professional Development

The Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports (MEFPD) in collaboration with the National University of Distance Education (UNED), the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) and the Spanish Education Office in Australia, offers scholarships for training courses for Spanish teachers from Australia, the Philippines, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • The scholarships include: the cost of the course in Spain, accommodation, meals and cultural activities.
  • Scholarships do not include: travel to and from the country of origin, travel insurance and health insurance.
  • Application deadline: 15 calendar days from the publication of the call for applications. (Publication expected in March 2025).
  • To participate in this call, candidates must:
    • Register on the Profex 2 app (do this before the application period starts).
    • Complete the "My Profile" section (do this before the application period starts).
    • Select courses once the application period starts.
  • Instruction manual PDF to register in the Electronic portal and complete the “My profile” section, submit and register an application in Profex 2 Nueva ventana
  • Call 2025 (Will be linked to the call as soon as it is published).
  • Length of each course: 30 hours.
  • Modality: on-site.
  • Recipients: teachers of Spanish and other subjects in Spanish from Australia, India, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • Requirements: Those who prove compliance with any of the following requirements can apply:
    • 1. Be an in-service teacher of Spanish as a foreign language in non-university regulated education in one of the countries mentioned above.
    • 2. Be an in-service teacher of non-linguistic subjects taught wholly or partially in Spanish in non-university regulated education in one of the countries mentioned above.
    • 3. To be a graduate or final year student of Hispanic Philology, or equivalent, who is going to teach Spanish as a foreign language.
  • The following may not be beneficiaries of this aid:
    • Teachers who have been beneficiaries of this scholarship through this program in 2024 in the on-site modality.
    • Active teachers appointed, hired or selected in a public call by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, or by any other Spanish institution or body.
    • Teachers who teach in regulated university courses.
    • Teachers with Spanish nationality.
  • The list of people who obtain the grant and are admitted to each course, as well as the reserve list, will be published on this website, and on the website of the MEFPD call for applications, in mid-April. Likewise, each applicant will receive an e-mail indicating whether he/she has been selected, not selected or if he/she has been placed on the reserve list.
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