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  1. New Zealand
  2. Programs and Calls
  3. Language and Culture Assistants Program in Spain for New Zealanders

Programs and Calls

Language Assistantships for New Zelanders in Spain

Call for the Language and Culture Assistants Program in Spain for school year 2025-2026.

This application is open to New Zealanders and candidates from Fiji and Tonga, as well as citizens of Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands residing in Fiji.

The application process is online through PROFEX 2 Nueva ventana

Application period from 11 February to 26 March, 2025.

Program Presentation

What to do before leaving your country

What to do upon arrival

Language Assistant Functions

Spanish Education System and Schools

Information on renewals for school year 2025-2026

TIE card considerations

  • If the language assistant renews another year in the program, it is necessary to renew the TIE in order to legally reside in Spain. Once the letter of appointment is received, the application for TIE renewal can be submitted. If the language assistant has entered Spain with a student visa for up to 6 months and has not obtained a TIE, but wishes to renew in the programme, they must request an extension of stay.
  • In both cases, they should go to the Oficina de extranjería (Immigration Office) in the city where they reside for advice on the renewal of their TIE or extension of stay (application forms and deadlines).
  • Pending receipt of the new TIE, it is possible to leave Spain upon request of a return authorization at the Oficina de extranjería (Immigration Office).

Visa application

For information and documents required for the L.A’s visa application, candidates should contact the Embassy of Spain directly ccing the education office in NZ de línea


Those language assistants who wish to renew for another year and receive the letter of acceptance while in Spain, should contact the Oficina de Extranjería (Foreigners Office) in the city where they are living to seek their advice regarding the renewal of their student visas.
