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Formación del Profesorado

Previous Online Professional Development:

  • ​The Spanish Education Office, in collaboration with Extenda and el Instituto Andalusí de Español, organizes the free webinar "ELEroom" for Spanish teachers in Australasia.
    • Date: June 15, 2023
    • Time: 9 am (Spanish time)
    • Recipients: Australasian Spanish teachers
    • During the webinar, an ELE training course of 10 individual lessons, face-to-face or online will be raffled among the attendees.
    • Course information PDF
  • The Spanish Education Office organizes a free online professional development event (TeachMeet) for Spanish teachers from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Australia, and New Zealand in which short pedagogical proposals will be presented, with the opportunity to discuss them with the presenters at the end.
    • Date: June 8, 2023
    • Time:
      • India and Sri Lanka: 3 pm
      • Indonesia and Thailand: 4.30 pm
      • Philippines, Malasia y Singapur : 5.30 pm
      • Australia (Sydney time): 7.30 pm
      • NZ time: 9.30 pm
    • Requirements: Be a Spanish teacher in the countries mentioned (all educational levels).​
    • Description: The following proposals will be presented:
      • Miguel Blázquez-Carretero: Recursos Online para la Enseñanza de ELE.
      • Ana del Casar: Juegos tradicionales/físicos en la clase de español.
      • Rini Ghosh: Tejer cultura en la clase de ELE.
      • María Lidia Martin Rodriguez: Plataforma Voicethread.
      • Daniel Jhair Sánchez González: La ludificación de la clase.
  • ​The Spanish Education Office, in collaboration with Extenda and AIL Málaga, organizes the free webinar "Culture in the ELE class without falling into stereotypes" for Spanish teachers in Australasia.
    • Date: June 1, 2023
    • Time: 9 am (Spanish time)
    • Recipients: Australasian Spanish teachers
    • During the webinar, an intensive face to face course of one week will be raffled among the attendees.
    • Course information PDF
  • The Spanish Education Office organizes a free online professional development event (TeachMeet) for Spanish teachers from India, Indonesia, Malasia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Australia and New Zealand in which short pedagogical proposals will be presented, with the opportunity to discuss them with the presenters at the end.
    • Date: May 25, 2023
    • Time:
      • India and Sri Lanka: 3 pm
      • Indonesia and Thailand: 4.30 pm
      • Philippines, Malasia y Singapur : 5.30 pm
      • Australia (Sydney time): 7.30 pm
      • NZ time: 9.30 pm
    • Requirements: Be a Spanish teacher in the countries mentioned (all educational levels).​
    • Description: The following proposals will be presented:
      • Apolinar García Paredes: Uso de herramientas digitales para una evaluación "automática", efectiva y visual.
      • Marco Antonio Joven Romero: ¿Cómo cursar postgrados oficiales españoles sin salir de casa?
      • Smriti Ladsaria: El Enfoque a la Pronunciación.
      • Amaia Olmo López: Herramientas digitales para favorecer la interacción en clase: Peardock o Wooclap.
      • Ron Pajares: Exámenes interactivos y divertidos en la clase de ELE.
  • ​The Spanish Education Office, in collaboration with Extenda and BLS Idiomas, organizes the free webinar "Reading Techniques for Beginning Level Students" for Spanish teachers in Australasia.
    • Date: May 18, 2023
    • Time: 9 am (Spanish time)
    • Recipients: Australasian Spanish teachers
    • Course information PDF
  • The Spanish Education Office organizes a free online professional development event (TeachMeet) for Spanish teachers from Australia and New Zealand in which short pedagogical proposals will be presented, with the opportunity to discuss them with the presenters at the end.
    • Date: May 4, 2023
    • Time: 5 pm (Sydney time)/ 7 pm (NZ time)
    • Requirements: Be a Spanish teacher in Australia or New Zealand (all educational levels).​
    • Description: The following proposals will be presented::
      • Raquel Bra Nuñez: A proposal to promote oral interaction in the initial levels.
      • Victoria Escaip: Language teaching and cultural diplomacy go hand in hand.
      • Hugo Hortiguera: How to explain Stative verbs with perfective and imperfective predicates with animations.
      • Rocio Yactayo Lovett: High Impact Teaching Strategies.
  • The Spanish Education Office, in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Colegio Delibes, organizes the free webinar "ELE class planning: beginnings, closings and transitions" for Spanish teachers in Australasia.
    • Date: June 16, 2022
    • Time: 8 am y 10 am (Spanish time)
    • Recipients: Australasian Spanish teachers
    • During the webinar, two scholarships (one in each session) will be raffled among the attendees.
    • Course information PDF
    • Registration Nueva ventana
  • The Spanish Education Office, in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Tía Tula, organizes the free webinar "Virtual trips in the ELE classroom" for Spanish teachers in Australasia.
  • The Spanish Education Office, in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Universidad de Burgos, organizes the free webinar "Audiovisual material for the ELE class: feature films and short films" for Spanish teachers in Australasia.
  • The Spanish Education Office, in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Mester, organizes the free webinar "Ideas to teach in the primary Spanish class" for Spanish teachers in Australasia.
  • The Spanish Education Office, in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Dice, organizes the free webinar "Creating Analog Activities with Digital Tools" for Spanish teachers in Australasia.
  • The Spanish Education Office, in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Español para todos, organizes the free webinar "Teaching film scenes in the ELE classroom" for Spanish teachers in Australasia.
  • The Spanish Education Office, in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Español para todos, organizes the free webinar "Teaching film scenes in the ELE classroom" for Spanish teachers in Australasia.
  • The Spanish Education Office in collaboration with STANSW organizes a free online professional development event (TeachMeet) for Spanish teachers from Australia and New Zealand in which 5 short pedagogical proposals will be presented, with the opportunity to discuss them with the presenters at the end.
    • Date: August 9, 2021
    • Requirements: Be a Spanish teacher in Australia or New Zealand.
    • Description: The following proposals will be presented:
      • Ane Zabaleta: Pop-up Books in Spanish.
      • Carolina Bosenberg: A Genially Map: Your Best Friend for Interactive Activities.
      • Fabián Navarro: Differentiation without segregation.
      • Dra Macarena Gordillo de Paz: Works of art as didactic resources in ELE teaching-learning.
      • Patricia Pinilla: SeeSaw App, an extraordinary tool.
  • Edelsa, in collaboration with the Spanish Education Office, presents The online session for ELE teachers in Asia and Oceania.
    • Date: June 23, 2021
    • Requirements: Be a Spanish teacher in a country in Asia and Oceania.
    • Description: The event will consist of 3 webinars:
      • The Spanish language: teaching / learning, step by step.
      • 8 keywords for teaching Spanish to adolescents.
      • Tell me a story!: how we interact with texts at an early age.
    • Cost: Free
  • Genially, a great tool for Spanish teachers. ELE online professional development in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Dice.
  • Vocabulary Pills: A Matter of Consistency. ELE professional development in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Tía Tula.
  • Gamification as a learning technique in the ELE classroom. ELE online professional development in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Mester.
  • How to create materials in an easy and practical way with digital tools. ELE online professional development in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and Berceo.
  • From the board to Instagram: the game as a didactic resource in the Spanish class with children and teenagers. ELE online professional development in collaboration with Extenda (the Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia) and Enforex.
  • Those crazy little ones: Characteristics and ELE activities for children and teenagers. ELE online professional development in collaboration with enclaveEle.
  • Not all people learn the same: considerations for the design of ELE activities. ELE online professional development in collaboration with enclaveEle.
  • The development of oral interaction in the ELE class. ELE online professional development in collaboration with Edelsa Anaya.
  • Advertising in the ELE class. ELE online professional development in collaboration with Tía Tula Colegio de Español.
  • Culture in the ELE class: making the invisible visible. ELE online professional development in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and the Delibes school.
  • Energize your Spanish classes with games. ELE online professional development in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and DICE (Didactical Center of Spanish).
  • The 5 methodological pillars of ACTIVE learning. ELE online professional development in collaboration with Edinumen.

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