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The Philippines

The Spanish Education Office in Australia Nueva ventana, India Nueva ventana, New Zealand Nueva ventana, Singapore, Thailand, and The Philippines Nueva ventana is a section of the Embassies of Spain in Canberra Nueva ventana, New Delhi Nueva ventana, Wellington Nueva ventana, Singapore Nueva ventana y Bangkok Nueva ventana, and Manila Nueva ventana whose main functions imply promoting, managing, and coordinating education programs that aim at disseminating Spanish languages and cultures in Australia, India, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, and The Philippines. This is done in coordination with other offices of the Spanish diplomatic missions. The Education Office is part of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports Nueva ventana and its main aim is to develop its international cooperation programs in the mentioned six countries.

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The language assistants are university graduates or last-years university students who collaborate in the practice of oral skills in primary and secondary schools in Spain and at the same time learn from the experience of living immersed in Spanish culture. Click here Nueva ventana for more detailed information.


The ISAs are schools of recognized educational quality, primary or secondary, in the country in question, which through an agreement with the Ministry offer an English/Spanish bilingual program. See the link Nueva ventana for a more detailed explanation.




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