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  7. Grants and scholarships for students at post-compulsory levels

Grants and scholarships for students at post-compulsory levels

Academic year 2023-2024

Access to online processing service Deadline for submitting applications:APPLICATION PERIOD ENDED

All information about this call can be found on the

EDUCATION GRANTS Portal Nueva ventana

The call was published on 17 March and

applications may be submitted between 27 March and 17 May, 2023.

Table of contents

General information



Grants and scholarships for students at post-compulsory levels

Information in the National Database on the National Subsidies Database (BDNS) Base de datos nacionales

Additional information

  • All formalities relating to the application can be completed online.
  • The relevant authority responsible for the procedure is the Directorate-General for Planning and Management in Education (Director General de Planificación y Gestión Educativa). The contact details are available on the following page:
  • Processing is done via the website of this Ministry, and authentication can be done in two ways:
    • With a user ID or NIE, and password set by the user at the time of registration. Identity is verified by cross-checking data with the Ministry of Interior.
    • With an electronic certificate, integrated in the Cl@ve platform. If this form of authentication is used, all queries about the status of the processing must be done in the same way.
  • Signing is done by entering specific data from the identity document (such as the expiry date, IDESP or IXESP).
  • No documents have to be submitted to make an application, unless requested.
  • Objections may be lodged against provisional decisions (within a period of 10 days), and against the final decision (publication of the lists of beneficiaries and the amounts granted, on the Ministry’s website), or as an appeal for review (within a period of one month) or an administrative appeal (two months).
  • Applications and related formalities are free for applicants.
  • Applications must be submitted within the stated period and, if there is a request for a document, within the period stated in that request.
  • The Director-General for Planning and Management in Education (Director General de Planificación y Gestión Educativa) will issue the final decision in the call on financial allocations, within a maximum period of six months from when the necessary information provided by public administrations, universities and Autonomous Communities becomes available.
  • The administrative silence is negative.



Deadline for submitting applications

  • From March 27, 2023
  • To May 17, 2023
Application period closed

Final decision



Information following the final decision


Definitive lists of beneficiaries

In compliance with the regulations on the protection of personal data and once the deadline for submitting the corresponding resources has elapsed, the lists of beneficiaries of this call, which were published on 03/20/2024, have been removed from this page.

Additional information



Queries on the procedure can be made by any of the means listed on the Administrative Information page Nueva ventana

Other information

  • Salto de línea Appeal for reversal: the deadline to present it ended on April 22, 2024.Salto de línea

SIA Information

  • Title of the procedure: Becas y ayudas a alumnos de niveles postobligatorios
  • Code: 050130

Single Digital Gateway information

Single Digital Gateway quality label
  • Let us know your opinion to evaluate the information of the procedure
  • Let us know your opinion to evaluate the processing of the procedure

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