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  4. Spanish Language and Culture Assistants in the United States

Spanish Language and Culture Assistants in the United States

Spanish Language Assistants Program – AACCEE

The Spanish Language Assistants Program (AACCEE) was launched in 1990 with just 12 assistants in the state of New York. Today, more than 40 assistants participate each year across 21 U.S. states, contributing to Spanish language learning and cultural exchange.

This program, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, and Sports of Spain, in collaboration with the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain in the U.S., places assistants in elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as universities with a Spanish Resource Center.

🌍 A Bridge Between CulturesSalto de línea For U.S. students, it is a unique opportunity to learn Spanish from native speakers. For the assistants, it is an immersive experience that allows them to improve their English, gain firsthand knowledge of U.S. culture, and enrich their professional development.

🎓 Role of the AssistantsSalto de línea Spanish language assistants:Salto de línea ✅ Support teachers in the classroom as native speakers and cultural ambassadors.Salto de línea ✅ Inspire students’ interest in the Spanish language and culture.

💼 Program ConditionsSalto de línea ✔ Monthly stipend, health insurance, training, and support during the stay, provided by the Spanish government.Salto de línea ✔ Housing, meals, and transportation arranged by the host institutions.Salto de línea ✔ Round-trip travel to the U.S. covered by the assistants.

📅 The program runs from October 1 to May 31.

👉 A program that promotes Spanish learning and cultural exchange in classrooms.
