
Transiciones en la función docente. La transformación de la práctica educativa por la presencia de los medios electrónicos en la educación


Javier Barquín RuizSalto de línea Universidad de Málaga.


Este trabajo presenta algunos aspectos de la relación de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) y la función docente a través de las orientaciones de la Administración educativa, tanto a nivel nacional como europeo, así como algunos resultados de investigación sobre las actitudes de los docentes en relación con las TIC y su enseñanza. Los informes coinciden en el poco grado de «digitalización» que poseen los enseñantes y la educación en general, al mismo tiempo, se indican las dificultades que conlleva cualificar y sensibilizar al profesorado hacia el uso de las TIC como herramienta que puede mejorar la enseñanza. Se admite que el proceso se realiza lentamente, que tampoco se poseen indicios fidedignos sobre el impacto en la educación, ya que los datos básicamente avalan la aceptación del alumnado hacia este medio pero no la ganancia en el aprendizaje, aunque se concluya que la escuela (y sus agentes) pueden obviar que el mundo de la información y la comunicación se sustenta en tecnología digital y la escuela no puede permanecer ajena. Finaliza con algunas consideraciones sobre los problemas que genera el uso de las TIC en el mundo educativo y plantea algunos dilemas curriculares que los docentes deben resolver para dar una respuesta adecuada a la «sociedad informacional» y a la práctica diaria con sus alumnos, ajustando su acción a un diseño curricular que realmente suponga una innovación y no un solapamiento de las fórmulas magistrales de la docencia enmascaradas simplemente porque se utilizan ordenadores. En vez de seguir el libro de texto, se realizan las mismas tareas pero con el computador sin que ello suponga una ruptura real con el modelo de clase tradicional.

Palabras clave

TIC, función docente, tecnología y educación, impacto digital, cambio curricular.<h2>Abstract</h2> <p><strong>Transitions in the Educational Function. Transformation of the Teaching Practice Due to the Presence of Electronic Means in Education</strong><br /> <br /> This work presents some aspects of the relationship of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the educational function through the orientations of the educational administration, both at national and European level, as well as some investigation results related to the attitudes of teachers in connection with ICT and its teaching. Reports agree on the low degree of digitalisation that teachers and education in general possess; also, the difficulties of qualifying and sensitizing the faculty towards the use of ICT as a potential tool to improve the teaching processes are pointed out. It is admitted that the process is carried out slowly, that there are no trustworthy indications on their impact in education, as the data simply endorse pupils&#39; acceptance of this means, but not the gain in the learning process, admittedly concluding that the school (and their agents) can obviate that the information and communication world has its foundations on digital technology and the school cannot overlook this evidence. It concludes with some considerations on the problems that the use of ICT generates in the educational world and it introduces certain curricular dilemmas that teachers must solve to suitably address the &#39;ICT society&#39; and the daily practice with their students, adjusting their teaching action to a curricular design that really implies an innovation rather that an overlapping of the teaching masterful formulas masked simply because computers are used. Instead of following the text book, the same tasks are carried out, but via the computer, without implying a true rupture with the traditional class pattern.</p>


Transitions in the Educational Function. Transformation of the Teaching Practice Due to the Presence of Electronic Means in EducationSalto de línea Salto de línea This work presents some aspects of the relationship of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the educational function through the orientations of the educational administration, both at national and European level, as well as some investigation results related to the attitudes of teachers in connection with ICT and its teaching. Reports agree on the low degree of digitalisation that teachers and education in general possess; also, the difficulties of qualifying and sensitizing the faculty towards the use of ICT as a potential tool to improve the teaching processes are pointed out. It is admitted that the process is carried out slowly, that there are no trustworthy indications on their impact in education, as the data simply endorse pupils' acceptance of this means, but not the gain in the learning process, admittedly concluding that the school (and their agents) can obviate that the information and communication world has its foundations on digital technology and the school cannot overlook this evidence. It concludes with some considerations on the problems that the use of ICT generates in the educational world and it introduces certain curricular dilemmas that teachers must solve to suitably address the 'ICT society' and the daily practice with their students, adjusting their teaching action to a curricular design that really implies an innovation rather that an overlapping of the teaching masterful formulas masked simply because computers are used. Instead of following the text book, the same tasks are carried out, but via the computer, without implying a true rupture with the traditional class pattern.


ICT, educational function, technology and education, digital impact, curricular change.


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