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  4. Online workshops for Spanish teachers (January-March 2022)

Online workshops for Spanish teachers (January-March 2022)

Teacher training sessions organised by La Consejería de Educación in United Kingdom and Ireland and Extenda





General Information


La Consejería de Educación in the United Kingdom and Ireland and Extenda (Empresa Pública Andaluza de Promoción Exterior, S.A.) have organized a new series of online training workshops for teachers of Spanish in the United Kingdom and Ireland for the months of January, February and March 2022. The programme includes workshops on different methodological aspects related to the teaching of Spanish.

The workshops will take place on a Tuesday at 16:30 or on Saturday from 10:00 on, according to the calendar included in the programme

The registration―which is free― and the certification of each session is independent. In this way teachers can choose to follow the workshops that interest them the most.

The day before each workshop is held, the teachers who have registered to participate will receive an email with the link to access the online room where the session will take place

Intended audience


These online training sessions are aimed at all teachers of Spanish in the United Kingdom and Ireland: Primary, Secondary and third level Education teachers, as well as future teachers of Spanish living in the Uk or Ireland,

Candidates who have applied for a post as a Visiting Teacher in Ireland for the academic year 2022-2023 can also participate.



Registration is free and must be completed online through the link indicated at the top of this page. The link to register in each workshop shall be available two weeks before the session is held.

Registration for each workshop should be completed separately and participation will be certified independently.

Once registered, teachers will be sent an email the day before each workshop with the link to access the online room where the workshop is going to take place.



The Consejería de Educación will issue a certificate of participation for each workshop. In order to receive the certificate, it is necessary to register and fill in the attendance tracking form during each workshop. Instructions on how to fill out and submit that attendance form will be given at the beginning of each workshop.

The certificates will be sent by email once all the workshops have finished.

Dates and programme

Imagen portada

Programa completo

  • Sábado 15 de enero de 2022 (10:00-12:00):
    • ¡A jugar! Herramientas digitales para la creación de actividades lúdicas y motivadoras, Debla Cursos de Español.
    • Padlet, Vyond y Pixton como herramientas aplicadas a la clase de E/LE, Escuela de Idiomas Carlos V.
  • Martes 25 de enero de 2022 (16:30-17:30): Enseñanza de la conversación: ¡Hablando se entiende la gente!, AIL Málaga.
  • Martes 8 de febrero de 2022 (16:30-17:30): ¿Me tomas el pelo? La inclusión de expresiones idiomáticas en el aula de ELE, Cervantes Escuela Internacional.
  • Martes 22 de febrero de 2022 (16:30-17:30): El Chroma Key como recurso de realismo didáctico y de motivación, Instituto San Fernando.
  • Martes 8 de marzo de 2022 (16:30-17:30): Los Verbos de Cambio: Breve teoría y materiales para practicar, Instituto andalusí de Español.
  • Sábado 26 de marzo de 2022 (10:00-12:00):
    • Herramientas y recursos digitales para hacer tu clase interactiva, Escuela Hispalense.
    • Conectando con los estudiantes a golpe de móvil, Malaca Instituto.



f you have any queries you can contact us by email at formacion.uk@educacion.gob.ese-mail


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