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  4. Online workshops for Spanish language teachers (January-March 2021)

Online workshops for Spanish language teachers (January-March 2021)


Programa completo

Salto de línea Workshops organized by Junta de Castilla y León and the Spanish Embassy Education OfficeSalto de línea

HALF-DAY SESSION: SATURDAY, 20th March, 9:00am-12:00pm


Ideas for teaching Spanish in Primary PDF


ONLINE REGISTRATION open until the 18th of March Nueva ventana

At the end of the workshop, there will be a raffle of SCHOLARSHIPS. The prize is a TRAINING COURSE in Castilla y León.

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The Consejería de Educación, in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León, are delighted to offer a series of online workshops for teachers of Spanish in the United Kingdom and Ireland which will take place during the months of January, February and March. The programme includes online training sessions on different aspects related to the teaching of Spanish.

Most of the workshops will take place on Tuesdays at 4:30 pm and will have a total duration of one hour. There will also be a half-day training programme on Saturday 20th March, that will include three one hour workshops. This half-day session is focused on the theaching of Spanish at Primary level.

Intended audience


These online training sessions are aimed at all teachers of Spanish in the United Kingdom and Ireland: Primary, Secondary and third level Education teachers.



Registration for each workshop should be completed separately and participation will be certified independently.

The registration process - which is free - will open two weeks before the first session is due to take place. Thereafter, teachers can register two weeks before each of the other sessions.

Once registered, teachers will be sent an email the day before each workshop with the link to access the online room where the workshop is going to take place.



The Consejería de Educación will issue a certificate of participation for each workshop. In order to receive the certificate, it is necessary to register and fill in and send the attendance tracking form during each workshop. Instructions on how to fill out and submit that attendance record will be given at the beginning of each workshop.

The certificates will be sent by email once all the workshops have finished



Programa completo



For any queries, please write to formacion.uk@educacion.gob.es e-mail


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