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  4. Online workshops for Spanish teachers (April-May 2021)

Online workshops for Spanish teachers (April-May 2021)

Teacher training sessions organised by La Consejería de Educación in United Kingdom and Ireland and La Empresa Pública Andaluza de Promoción Exterior.


Upcoming workshop: Tuesday, 25th May, from 16:30 to 17:30


“Escape to the past" PDF


Online registration open until the 23th of May Nueva ventana


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General information


La Consejería de Educación in the United Kingdom and Ireland and Extenda (Empresa Pública Andaluza de Promoción Exterior, S.A.) have organised a new series of online training workshops for teachers of Spanish in the United Kingdom and Ireland for the months of April and May 2021.

Each online session includes a workshop on different methodological aspects related to the teaching of Spanish. Teachers can sign up to attend one or more of the workshops as the themes, the registration and the certification of each session are independent.

The programme includes three one hour workshops which will take place on a Tuesday at 16:30 and a half-day training programme, on Saturday the 15th of May, which includes three consecutive morning sessions.

The registration―which is free― and the certification of each session is independent. In this way teachers can choose to follow the workshops that interest them the most.

The day before each workshop is held, the teachers who have registered to participate will receive an email with the link to access the online room where the session will take place.

Intended audience


These online training sessions are aimed at all teachers of Spanish in the United Kingdom and Ireland: Primary, Secondary and third level Education teachers.

Candidates who have applied for a post as a Visiting Teacher in Ireland for the academic year 2021-2022 can also participate.



Registration is free and must be completed online through the link indicated at the top of this page. The link to register in each workshop shall be available two weeks before the session is held.

Registration for each workshop should be completed separately and participation will be certified independently.

Once registered, teachers will be sent an email the day before each workshop with the link to access the online room where the workshop is going to take place.



The Consejería de Educación will issue a certificate of participation for each workshop. In order to receive the certificate, it is necessary to register and fill in the attendance tracking form during each workshop. Instructions on how to fill out and submit that attendance form will be given at the beginning of each workshop.

The certificates will be sent by email once all the workshops have finished.

Dates and programme

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Programa completo

  • WORKSHOP 1: Tuesday 20th April (16:30) - “De juego a juego y a aprender, que esto es muy serio” ("Let´s change from one game to another and learn, because this is very serious"), delivered by Patricia Santervás González, Cervantes Escuela Internacional (Málaga)
  • WORKSHOP 2:Tuesday, 4th May (16:30) - “El vídeo: una herramienta para la clase de español” ("Videos: a tool for the Spanish classroom"), delivered by Teresa Gómez Martín, ONSPAIN (Málaga)
  • WORKSHOPS 3, 4 AND 5: Saturday, 15th May (10:00-13:00). Half- day training programme: “Espacios virtuales para la enseñanza del español” ("Virtual spaces for the teaching of Spanish")
    • WORKSHOP 3: “Promover la motivación, la conexión y el sentido de “comunidad” entre nuestro alumnado” ("Promoting motiviation, connection and a sense of community among our students"), delivered by María Estévez Funes, Centro de Lenguas Modernas (Granada).
    • WORKSHOP 4: “Recursos para enseñar español a adolescentes: un proyecto de portfolios digitales compartidos” ("Resources to teach Spanish to teenagers: a shared digital portfolio project"), delivered by José María Torreblanca Perles, Instituto Avanzado de ELE (Málaga)
    • WORKSHOP 5: “Mis ELE herramientas en línea: como dinamizar tus clases en un click” ("My online tools for the Spanish classroom: how to energize your lessons in one click") , delivered by Lucas Pérez de la Fuente, Enforex Sevilla
  • WORKSHOP 6:Tuesday, 25th May (16:30) - “Escape al pasado” ("Escape to the past"), delivered by Romualdo de la Cruz Tejada, MARAVILLAS PROGRAMAS INTERNACIONALES (Málaga)



If you have any queries you can contact us by email at e-mail
