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  1. Polonia
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  3. Convocatorias
  4. Auxiliares de conversación extranjeros en España


Auxiliares de conversación extranjeros en España / Foreign Language Assistants in Spain

Convocatoria 2025-2026 / 2025-2026 Call

Polish language and culture assistants in public schools in Spain

This programme looks to improve the quality of foreign language education in Spain by integrating native speakers of the language into the classroom.

Under the supervision of a full-time teacher, the language assistants help students in Spanish public schools to improve their oral proficiency in the target language.

It also grants an opportunity to live a formative and a professional experience. This will allow the language assistants to acquire a deeper knowledge of Spain, its society, and its education system.

The language assistants get a monthly stipend and are expected to work for 14 or 16 hours a week. No travel/accommodation expenses are provided.

Target group

University graduates or university students from the second year onwards, Polish or with permanent residence in Poland.


  • Have Polish nationality or permanent residence in Poland.
  • Hold a university degree or be a university student of second or subsequent year in the current academic year 2024-2025.
  • Be aged 18 and over before 1st January 2025 and under 60 on 1st January 2026.
  • Not suffer from an illness or condition that makes it impossible to carry out the duties of a language assistant.
  • Submit a signed letter of motivation.
  • Submit a letter of reference from a teacher or employer, dated no earlier than September 2024.
  • Have a negative certificate of offences of a sexual nature. This certificate may be required at any stage of the process.
  • Be highly proficient in English (C2 level).

Duration of the programme

From 1st October 2025 to 31st May 2026.

Deadline for applications

From 11th February to 26th March 2025 at 23:59 hours (GMT+1).

More information and access to the call

Selection of language assistants

A committee of the Consejería de Educación of the Spanish Embassy in Poland will study the applications submitted. Shortlisted candidates may be called for an interview by videoconference.


You can contact the Consejería de Educación in Poland (in English or Spanish) by sending an emaile-mail
