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  7. Ayudas para adquisición de libros de texto, material didáctico e informático, para alumnado matriculado en centros docentes dependientes del MEFPD, en Educación Primaria y Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria.

Ayudas para adquisición de libros de texto, material didáctico e informático, para alumnado matriculado en centros docentes dependientes del MEFPD, en Educación Primaria y Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria.

Ceuta, Melilla y CIDEAD - Convocatorias agrupadas desde 2024-2025. Call for Applications 2024 - 2025

Access to online processing service Deadline for submitting applications:APPLICATION PERIOD ENDED

Table of contents

General information



Ayudas para la adquisición de libros de texto, material didáctico e informático, para alumnado matriculado en los niveles obligatorios de la enseñanza, en centros docentes de gestión directa del M.E.F.P.D.: centros españoles en el exterior, en Ceuta, en Melilla y en el Centro para la Innovación y el Desarrollo de la Educación a Distancia (CIDEAD).

Important: This page is only for students from schools located in Ceuta, Melilla, and the Center for Innovation and Development of Distance Education (CIDEAD). For students from Spanish schools located in foreign countries, please go back in navigation and choose the corresponding page.


  • Students enrolled in the 2024/25 academic year in compulsory levels of education (Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education).
  • Those already receiving assistance for the same purpose cannot benefit from these grants.

Number of places

  • 13,000 grants are available for all students covered by this call (students from Ceuta, Melilla, CIDEAD, and Spanish schools abroad).


  • To be enrolled in any of the courses of Primary Education or Compulsory Secondary Education for the academic year 2024-2025, in a publicly funded educational institution.
  • Not to be repeating a grade.
  • Belong to a family whose income in the year 2023 does not exceed the income thresholds established in Article 4 of the call and be placed in an order number, according to the per capita income of the family unit, that is included within the total number of grants offered. Those in foster care, victims or children of victims of gender violence, or victims of terrorism do not need to meet this requirement referred to in this section 3.


  • The beneficiary will receive a grant of 115 Euros.






Deadline for submitting applications

  • From May 13, 2024 at 9:00 AM
  • To July 25, 2024 at 3:00 PM
Application period closed

Additional information



Queries on the procedure can be made by any of the means listed on the Administrative Information page Nueva ventana

SIA Information

  • Title of the procedure: Ayudas para adquisición de libros de texto, material didáctico e informático, para alumnado matriculado en centros docentes dependientes del MEFPD, en Educación Primaria y Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria.
  • Code: 201853