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Ayudas para cursos de inmersión en lengua inglesa, para titulados en máster en profesorado y maestros, organizados por la UIMP

Call for applications 2024

Access to online processing service Deadline for submitting applications:APPLICATION PERIOD ENDED

Table of contents

General information



Ayudas para realizar un curso intensivo en lengua inglesa en régimen de internado de una semana de duración

Grants for attending a one-week residential intensive English language course

Beneficiaries will attend an intensive English language immersion course in a residential setting between September 30th and December 16th, 2024 (course start dates), at one of the following locations: Santander, Cuenca, or Pyrenees.


Teachers and graduates of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching who meet the remaining established requirements.

Number of places

585 grants.


The following candidates may apply for these grants:

  • Those who have obtained a Bachelor's degree in Education in any specialization in one of the following academic years: 2022-2023, 2021-2022, or 2020-2021.
  • Those who have obtained a Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching in one of the following academic years: 2022-2023, 2021-2022, or 2020-2021.

In both cases, they must have an average grade on their academic record of at least 7.50, and higher than the cutoff grade established based on the total number of grants to be awarded.


The grant covers all expenses for teaching, materials, meals, and accommodation, although the selected candidate must pay €100 as a reservation fee. Transportation to the course location will be at the expense of the participant.



Deadline for submitting applications

  • From June 20, 2024
  • To July 10, 2024
Application period closed

Final decision



Additional information



Queries on the procedure can be made by any of the means listed on the Administrative Information page Nueva ventana

Other information

SIA Information

  • Title of the procedure: Ayudas para cursos de inmersión en lengua inglesa, para titulados en máster en profesorado y maestros, organizados por la UIMP
  • Code: 200495

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