You can only apply for a renewal if you are already a language assistant in Spain through the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports Program.
If you are a language assistant in Spain through a different program and you want to become a language assistant through the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports Program, you need to apply as a new candidate.
To apply for a renewal, it is necessary to attach:
If the language assistant renews for another year in the program, it is necessary to renew the TIE in order to legally reside in Spain. Once the letter of appointment is received, the application for TIE renewal can be submitted. If the language assistant has entered Spain with a student visa for up to 6 months and has not obtained a TIE, but wishes to renew in the programme, they must request an extension of stay.
In both cases, they should go to the Oficina de extranjería (Immigration Office) in the city where they reside for advice on the renewal of their TIE or extension of stay (application forms and deadlines).
Pending receipt of the new TIE, it is possible to leave Spain upon request of a return authorization at the Oficina de extranjería (Immigration Office).