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Spanish Resource Center - Provo

Pulse para ampliar

Cuentistas 2025

The Spanish Literary Contest Cuentistas is a great opportunity to promote Spanish language and culture through storytelling. This contest is designed so that students enrolled in K-12 in the states of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming can practice their writing skills.

In this edition, we encourage participants to write under the topic "Mi viaje a España".

If you are a teacher of Spanish in grades K-12 in Colorado, Utah, or Wyoming, you can have your students participate in Cuentistas. Please download the contest rules and attachments and remember to submit your students’ stories by March 31, 2025.

There will be prizes for the winning students provided by our sponsors, Brigham Young University, Sylvia Vivanco, Voces Digital, Istarduk ediciones, and Grupo SM.

Bases Cuentistas 2025PDF

Anexo IDOC (listado de participantes)

Anexo IIPDF (consentimiento parental)
