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  4. Spanish Language Assistants in Canada


Spanish Language Assistants in Canada

Clase Glebe Collegiate Institute
Debate Glebe
Clase español Glebe
Clase Leyre
Clase español

All about the program

The Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain in Canada, sponsor a Spanish Language and Culture Assistants program for elementary, middle and high schools as well as for universities with Spanish Resource Centers sponsored by the Ministry of Education.

This program gives Canadian students the opportunity to learn the Spanish language and culture from native speakers. Similarly, the Spanish assistants will have the opportunity to learn about the Canadian culture, improve their command of English or French and use their knowledge upon their return to Spain, thus helping to develop cultural understanding between both countries.

Spanish Language & Culture Assistants Program - Highlights

Documents for applying institutions

Please see the documents below to view the program Guidelines as well as the Application form.

Would your school like to apply? Express your interest here.
