Spanish Workshops 2021 (London)

Talleres de español 2021

Impreso de inscripción

Saturday, 2nd of October 2021 - Face-to-face training day in London


  1. Complete this formPDF with your personal information and your preference of workshops.
  2. Make the payment of £50 (includes lunch). The bank details are on the form.
  3. Send the completed form and copy of the payment receipt to

The places in each workshop will be assigned in order of entry.



The Consejería de Educación (Spanish Embassy Education Office) resumes the face-to-face training activity and organizes with the Junta de Castilla y León the workshops that will be held on October 2nd, 2021 at the Vicente Cañada Blanch Spanish Institute in London.
The day will be open with an intervention by Baroness Coussins on the importance of languages ​​for the future of the United Kingdom and will continue with a wide offer of practical workshops on different aspects related to the teaching of Spanish. In each time slot, attendees will be able to choose between workshops more aimed at primary, secondary or general interest workshops: gamification, motivation, ICT tools, projects, culture and history, advertising and Spanish...
The didactic aspect of the day is complemented by other attractive aspects related to culture in Spanish: the gastronomic proposal for lunch and the cultural workshops that close the day: Spanish dance and cutting of Spanish ham and wine tasting.

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