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  4. Spanish Course for Primary School Teachers

Spanish Course for Primary School Teachers in Santiago de Compostela

Datos Generales:


With the Spanish Course for Primary Teachers, the Consejería de Educación aims to provide a high quality course for teachers with limited competence in Spanish who wish to:

  • improve their competence in the Spanish language as well as in their methodological expertise
  • update their knowledge of Spanish culture
  • gather authentic teaching materials to teach Spanish to young learners
  • be in contact with a variety of resources to teach Spanish in Primary


Primary teachers who need to improve their Spanish or intend to teach it in their schools.


No fees. The course is funded by the Consejería de Educación. However, applicants will be requested to pay for their travel expenses to and from Santiago de Compostela (Galicia).

Duración: 24th October 2011 to 28th October 2011. Accommodation will be provided from 23rd October until 29th October 2011.


Lugar de entrega:

Please return the application form by post, fax or email (attached file) to:

Course for Primary School Teachers in SantiagoSalto de línea Consejería de EducaciónSalto de línea 20 Peel StreetSalto de línea London W8 7PD

Fax: 0207 22 94 965Salto de línea Email: info.uk@educacion.es Salto de línea


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