What is ‘Lights, Camera, Action’?
The ‘Luces, Cámara, Acción’ film project is an educational initiative of the Department of Education in the UK aimed at promoting Spanish language and culture among students from Primary to A-level. Through the captivating medium of film, this project aims to improve language skills, cultural awareness and appreciation of the rich heritage of Spanish-speaking countries. By integrating film into the curriculum, we aim to create an engaging and immersive learning experience that transcends the traditional boundaries of the classroom.
Throughout the 2024-2025 school year, 2 films will be shown and will be announced in the near future. Each film will be shown twice.
The dates of the screenings will be announced shortly.
The films will be screened at the following venues:
The schedule of activities will appear on the poster of each screening.
Come with your students!
Depending on the film, Primary or Secondary students may attend accompanied by a qualified teacher or several teachers (depending on the number of students).
Registration is free of charge for schools, but places are limited.
There are several parts to the application:
Lunch is not provided. Each person needs to bring his/her packed lunch to the event.
If you have any questions, please write to info.uk@educacion.gob.es
LCA - BC - Los Futbolísimos
1st screening of the film project ‘Lights, camera, action’.
KS3 pupils (Y7, Y8, Y9)
Friday, 13th December 2024
British Council building located at 1 Redman Place, Stratford, London, E20 1JQ
Please consult the screening poster for the schedule of activities.
Registration is free for schools, but places are limited.
There are several parts to the application form:
LCA Películas 2024-2025