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  1. Estados Unidos y Canadá
  2. Educational Programs
  3. Programs in the U.S.
  4. Teacher Training in the U.S.A.


Teacher Training


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Teacher professional development is one of the most important initiatives of the Education Office. It is designed for teachers, whether they are citizens from Spain, the United States or Canada. Numerous activities are organized throughout the year, either in person or online, always free of charge, and entrusted to experts from the university sphere or to highly qualified and experienced teachers.

Regardless of their country of origin, all teachers of Spanish can take part in the activities of the Education Office. These activities come with their own certification and are held mainly online. They are structured in series that consist of several workshops or independent sessions, and they are always scheduled at times and days that are accessible to a large majority of teachers. In person activities are also scheduled in different areas of Canada and the United States.

Although the PDs aim at teachers who teach Spanish, the topics are very varied: we offer courses on content-based methodology, Spanish as a second language, teaching Spanish to heritage and non-heritage Spanish speakers, reading strategies, use of technologies, insertion of cross-cutting objectives (equity, sustainable development goals...), enhancing students’ motivation, speaking skills improvement, planning bicultural activities... These courses are designed for all school education levels, from elementary school to high school. The programs are designed to meet a variety of needs, with special attention to the newest methodologies.

Many of the activities are carried out in collaboration with other institutions: Spanish and American universities, publishing houses, school districts, associations, or with the participation of scientists and teachers.


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