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  1. Estados Unidos y Canadá
  2. Offices and Locations
  3. Offices of Education
  4. Attaché Office in Los Angeles: Western States


Attaché Office in Los Angeles: Western States

Attaché Office in Los Angeles

The Attaché Office in Los Angeles, which is part of the Spanish Embassy's Department of Education, coordinates the activities of the Ministry of Education in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Its mission is to promote educational and cultural relations between Spain and the western states of the U.S. through various collaboration programs carried out jointly with the educational administrations and universities of these states.

Consulate of Spain

Education Office

5055 Wilshire Blvd Ste. 204

Los Ángeles, CA 90036

Phone: + 1 323 852 69 97

Email: e-mail

If you wish to contact the Attaché Office, please request an appointment by email.

Education Advisor Office in San Francisco

North California

Consulate of Spain in San Francisco

Education Advisor Office

1405 Sutter Street

San Francisco, CA 94109

Phone: + 1 415 922 2038

Email: e-mail

Education Advisor Office in Albuquerque

States of New Mexico and Arizona

Spanish Resource Center

National Hispanic Cultural Center

1701 4th Street SW.

Albuquerque, NM 87102

Phone: + 1 505 724 4746

Email: e-mail

Education Advisor Office in Seattle

States of Washington and Oregon

University of Washington

Center for Spanish Studies

Padelford B-202-C

Seattle, WA 98195-4360

Phone: + 1 260 221 6571

Email: e-mail

Education Advisor Office in Salt Lake City

States of Utah, Colorado and Wyoming

Utah State Board of Education

250 East 500 South P.O. Box 144200

Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200

Phone: + 1 801 538 7850

