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  1. Estados Unidos y Canadá
  2. Offices and Locations
  3. Offices of Education
  4. Attaché Office in New York: Northem States


Attaché Office in New York: Northem States

Education Attaché Office in New York

The Education Attaché Office in New York, which is part of the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain, coordinates the activities of the Ministry of Education in the states of Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Its mission is to promote educational relations between Spain and the northeastern states of the U.S. through various collaboration programs carried out jointly with the educational administrations and universities of these states.

Education Attaché Office in New York

358 Fifth Avenue. Suite 1404

New York 10001, NY

Email: e-mail

Education Advisor Office in Chicago

States of Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin

Illinois State Board of Education

Embassy of Spain's Education Consultant

555 W Monroe Street, 9 Floor

Chicago, IL 60661

Phone: + 1 312 814 5696

Email: e-mail

Education Advisor Office in Indianapolis

States of Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Michigan

Spanish Resource Center. IUPUI

425 University Blvd.

Indianapolis, IN 46202

Phone: + 1 317 274 2070

Email: e-mail

Education Advisor Office in Boston

States of Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Rhode Island

Education Advisor Office in Boston

Consulate of Spain

31 Saint James Avenue, Suite 905

Boston, MA 02116-3606

Phone: + 1 617 536 2506

Email: e-mail

Education Advisor Office in Lincoln

States of Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Misuri and South Dakota

Spanish Studies Institute

261 Carolyn Pope Edwards Hall, Lincoln,

NE 68588

Phone: +1 402 472 0683

Email: e-mail
