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Salto de línea We are pleased to announce the first edition of the Conversation Assistant Experience Award in the US and Canada, an initiative designed to highlight and reward the outstanding work of assistants who contribute significantly to the educational centers in which they participate.

This contest invites assistants to share their experience through a video, with a maximum duration of 5 minutes, where various aspects of their performance will be explored.

To participate, assistants must present their candidatures in collaboration with the responsible teacher, whose name must appear along with that of the participating assistant. The detailed rules of the award are available for consultation here.

The reception of videos will be open from March 1 to 30, 2024. We take advantage of this opportunity to encourage all assistants to share their valuable experience and contribute to the mutual enrichment of the educational community.Salto de línea

Video Ganador del I Concurso Premio Experiencia

Emma Escuredo Esparza, auxiliar en Clyde F. Brown Elementary School (Millis) en Massachusetts, ha sido la ganadora del concurso con este video Video



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